
Patron Purchase

Support your favorite game

Gold Patron$40
> Gold Patron
  • Get an exclusive @Gold Patron role
  • Access to #🐲・dungeon-★ channel
  • Access to #💷・patron channel
  • Unique icon in your Sofi Userinfo
  • Suggest 2D/3D to be added to the bot
  • Suggest card codes for the auction
  • Get leaks of upcoming/beta features
  • Unique badge in your profile
  • Get 100,000 fan points monthly
  • Get 1 version chests monthly
Platinum Patron$80
> Platinum Patron
  • Get an exclusive @Platinum Patron role
  • Access to #🐲・dungeon-★ channel
  • Access to #💷・patron channel
  • Unique icon in your Sofi Userinfo
  • Suggest 2D/3D to be added to the bot
  • Suggest card codes for the auction
  • Get leaks of upcoming/beta features
  • Unique badge in your profile
  • Get 200,000 fan points monthly
  • Get 2 version chests monthly
Ruby Patron$160
> Ruby Patron
  • Get an exclusive @Ruby Patron role
  • Access to #🐲・dungeon-★ channel
  • Access to #💷・patron channel
  • Unique icon in your Sofi Userinfo
  • Suggest 2D/3D to be added to the bot
  • Suggest card codes for the auction
  • Get leaks of upcoming/beta features
  • Unique badge in your profile
  • Get 400,000 fan points monthly
  • Get 4 version chests monthly
Gamma Patron$400
> Gamma Patron
  • Get an exclusive @Gamma Patron role
  • Access to #🐲・dungeon-★ channel
  • Access to #💷・patron channel
  • Unique icon in your Sofi Userinfo
  • Suggest 2D/3D to be added to the bot
  • Suggest card codes for the auction
  • Get leaks of upcoming/beta features
  • Unique badge in your profile
  • Get 1,000,000 fan points monthly
  • Get 10 version chests monthly
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